Home Learning Explanation
Home Learning for your child
At Huntingtree, we strive to provide purposeful Home Learning which reinforces learning that has taken place in school. We don't believe in setting projects with tenuous links to topics that are both time consuming and place unnecessary demands on families. Instead we focus on key basic skills such as spellings and maths facts, which are both accessible and relevant.
Here is a summary of the Home Learning expectations. Further information can be found about the individual Home Learning areas - alongside information about home learning for children with additional needs - in the section below.
All children should read for 10 minutes a day
For children in Years 1-6, there is a fortnightly set of spellings to learn
For children in Years 1-2, the maths focus is the development of basic skills being taught in class - which is quizzed fortnightly
For children in Years 3-6, home learning is set weekly on an online platform called Century which covers grammar, maths, reading and science
Supporting your child
Because teachers at Huntingtree base their lessons on our 1-page unit organisers, this means that you are also able to look at what your child is learning in each subject each term. In addition to completing the home learning and reading, we encourage you to support your child's learning in class by reading and quizzing your child on the content of the organisers. Check out the unit organisers here.
Additional reading resources
Learning while out and about...
There are many areas of natural beauty, in the local area around the school, which can be explored and enjoyed.