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Huntingtree Primary School

Every child known, happy and learning.

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Our governors

Welcome from Huntingtree Primary School Governors!


Thank you for choosing to visit our website to find out about the work that our governors do in support of our wonderful school. At Huntingtree, we believe that children learn and flourish when they feel safe and happy to come to school. We therefore work hard to develop the personal and social skills of our children, rooted in mutual respect and high expectations. We aim to offer the highest possible academic standards, supporting the expectation that all pupils are encouraged to do their very best.


Our governors come from a wide range of backgrounds. We have staff and parent governors who have direct links to the school and governors who have been co-opted to serve on the governing body in view of the particular skills they offer. The diversity of skills, experience and expertise we possess as a team enables us to challenge, support and complement the work of the school. 

Huntingtree Primary School Local Governing Body

Register of Interests 2024/2025


Governor nameGovernor categoryAppointing bodyTerm of office start dateTerm of office end dateReason for stepping downRelevant Business & Pecuniary Interests / Links to other education establishments /charitiesPersonal relationships with trust employees or members / trustees / local governors2023/2024 meeting attendance
Mr J HarroldHead TeacherLGB01/09/2016Ex-officio NoneWife has a contract of employment at the school6/6
Mr K RoperParentsParents12/03/202111/03/2025 NoneNone6/6
Mrs I KassimCo-optedLGB12/07/202211/07/2026 

Parent Governor at Caslon Primary School

Management committee at Halesowen Cultural Centre

Miss E JenningsStaffStaff08/03/202107/03/2025 NoneNone6/6
Mr M BridgensParentsParents14/10/202213/10/2026 NoneNone6/6
Mr I Collier-DartCo-optedLGB12/07/202211/07/2026 NoneNone5/6
Mrs A McEwanParentsParents14/10/202213/10/2026 NoneNone6/6
Mr R MortonCo-optedLGB7/12/202206/12/2026 NoneStepdaughter has a contract of employment at the school6/6
Mr D RussellParentsParents11/03/202110/03/2025 NoneNone6/6
Served in the last 12 months       
Mr M BrownCo-opted LGB01/03/202310/10/2024Unable to attend meetingsNoneNone1/6


