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Huntingtree Primary School

Every child known, happy and learning.

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Century (Y3-6)

To supplement learning that takes place in the classroom, Huntingtree use an online platform called Century. 


Century is an AI-powered learning tool tailored for learners in Key Stage 2. This platform adapts to your child's learning ability and provides personalised recommendations of micro-lessons - or nuggets as Century call them - on the platform. 


Our approach at Huntingtree is to set five 'nuggets' on a Friday that need to be completed by the following Friday. These nuggets will be a mixture of Grammar, Reading, Maths and Science. The set nuggets should be the first five lessons that appear when your child logs in; however, teachers will also share the set nuggets via Class Dojo (see below). 


Each nugget consists of a micro lesson (this might be a short presentation) followed by a quiz. The information from the quiz is shared automatically with teachers to help them identify misconceptions.


While teachers set five nuggets a week to be completed, we encourage children to complete as many additional nuggets as they wish as the AI software will automatically provide learning tasks that it identifies the child needs to focus on.


(For further information about Century please click here to watch a short video).


Here is an example of a teacher Class Dojo post sharing the set nuggets:



Here is an example of the login screen. The set nuggets will appear at the top of the screen, followed by the AI recommended nuggets:


