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Huntingtree Primary School

Every child known, happy and learning.

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Governing body structure

The governors are a team of people, drawn from the local community who are responsible for ensuring that the school provides the best quality education that we can for the children.


Following due consideration and full discussion by the Governing Body at the FGB meeting in September 2014, it was decided to reconstitute the governors to the following:

  • 4 Parent Governors
  • 1 LA Governors
  • 1 Staff Governor
  • 1 Headteacher Governor
  • 5 Community Governors
  • 12 in total


From the above, the Chairperson is elected by all the governors on an annual basis.


All parents at the school are eligible to vote and elect parent governors. Governors hold office for four years. You will be notified when elections are due. If you are interested in being involved in this capacity please ask for more information or speak to one of the governors who will be happy to tell you about their work. Minutes of the Governing Body Meetings are available on request from the school office.

