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Huntingtree Primary School

Every child known, happy and learning.

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Complaints Procedure

Raising Concerns and Resolving Complaints


From time to time parents, and others connected with the school, will become aware of matters which cause them concern. To encourage resolution of such situations the Governing Body has adopted a “School Complaints Procedure”.


The procedure is devised with the intention that it will:


  • Usually be possible to resolve problems by informal means
  • Be simple to use and understand
  • Be non-adversarial
  • Provide confidentiality
  • Allow problems to be handled swiftly through the correct procedure
  • Address all the points at issue
  • Inform future practice so that the problem is unlikely to recur.


Full details of the procedure can be found below, a copy may also be obtained from the School Office or from the Clerk to the Governing Body.


Please see the complaints procedure below for further advice and guidance
Click below for advice on complaints from parents of children with special educational needs

Sometimes you may have a complaint, if this is the case, we strongly urge you to air this as soon as the issue arises, in the first instance with the Inclusion Lead, Mr Evans. This will allow us to investigate your concern immediately and hopefully resolve the issue and find a solution that you are happy with. If this fails your next step would be to speak to the Head Teacher, Mr Harrold, who will then take steps to investigate and rectify your concerns. If you are still unhappy with the outcome, you could inform the Chair of Governors, Mr Roper. This should be done in writing via the school office.  The Chair of Governors will then conduct their own investigation. Hopefully all will be resolved, however if you are still unhappy you should lodge a complaint with Dudley Local Authority. This can be done via the council web page.

If you require any additional information regarding the provision and support for children with SEND at Huntingtree, please contact the Mr Evans via the school office and he will be happy to discuss any concerns with you.


You may also find it useful to follow the link below that gives more information about our provision for children with special needs:

Click below for further advice with regards making a complaint at local authority level

