Every child known, happy and learning... Adults that are caring, positive and skilled... A curriculum that develops confidence, aspiration and well-being in pupils.
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Huntingtree Primary School

Every child known, happy and learning.

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School Values

- Confidence - - Aspiration - - Well-being - - Confidence - - Aspiration - - Wellbeing - - Confidence - - Aspiration -
By giving opportunities for self-expression, leadership and celebrating achievements By nurturing ambition, understanding of the world and resilience By promoting a love of nature, healthy lifestyle and kindness By giving opportunities for self-expression, leadership and celebrating achievements By nurturing ambition, understanding of the world and resilience By promoting a love of nature, healthy lifestyle and kindness By giving opportunities for self-expression, leadership and celebrating achievements By nurturing ambition, understanding of the world and resilience

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  • Reception 94%
  • Year 1 98%
  • Year 2 94%
  • Year 3 96%
  • Year 4 95%
  • Year 5 98%
  • Year 6 99%

