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Huntingtree Primary School

Every child known, happy and learning.

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Approach to Teaching

Huntingtree places great emphasis upon the importance of quality first teaching and the teachers' responsibility to meet the needs of all pupils within their classroom. Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of all pupils in their class, and quality first teaching is our first step in responding to pupils who have SEN. This will be differentiated for individual pupils. To enable children with a SEN to make progress teachers utilise their pedagogical skills to provide Access to the lessons. Access is where teachers will make adaptations to lessons for children who struggle to access the skill at an age-appropriate level. 


For example, a child who has communication difficulties, might be provided with an 'answer frame' in maths to support their ability to verbally answer a question. (An answer frame being a sentence structure for the child to add the missing information e.g. - 'The answer is _____ I know this because I added ___ to ____'


A further example would be in P.E. where a child with motor difficulties would be provided with alternative equipment or provided with additional safety arrangements (such as mats) to access the lesson. 


Every teacher is a teacher of SEN. 

