Curriculum documents
Here's where you can read all about each subject and see how the Huntingtree curriculum has been organised, sequenced and developed. Each subject has, as well as unit organisers (which can be found here), a set of documentation that explains the intent, pedagogy, year-group overviews, skills progressions & exemplifications, enrichment, access & challenge, assessment and rationale.
We believe that this demonstrates our commitment in making sure the teaching of each subject is just as strong as any other.
Key curriculum documents by subject
Music development plan
Here is also a document that explains our music development plan, in line with the national plan for music education.
Religious education
- Parents have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of Religious Education and from.. ..Collective Worship. This was affirmed in the 1944 Education Act and has been reaffirmed in later.. ..Educational Legislation (HMSO, 1988; 1996) and in the guidance document “Religious education in.. ..English schools: Non-statutory guidance 2010” (DCSF 2010). . .. ..non-statutory-guidance-2010
- Dudley updated the locally agreed syllabus in 2023. We have carried out an analysis of the changes from the previous syllabus and are confident that each of the changes are covered by the unit organisers and skills progressions in place in the Huntingtree RE curriculum, and in the enrichment opportunities.