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Huntingtree Primary School

Every child known, happy and learning.

Get in touch

Keep healthy

If you are worried...


There are lots of reasons why we might feel worried. To be healthy, it's important not to keep your worries to your self.


If you are worried, remember you should either:

  1. talk to a trusted adult - this can be a teacher, a classroom helper or other member of staff, or
  2. add a note in your class worry box - and your teacher will check this at the end of the day


Adults in school will always do their best to help you.


  • Below are four videos that might help you. They were made by a school nurse.
  • At the bottom of the page are some links to some useful websites.

1. How can I manage worry and anxiety?

Still image for this video

2. How can I eat healthily?

Still image for this video

3. How can I get a good night's sleep?

Still image for this video

4. How to stay safe in the sun?

Still image for this video

Other places to find help and advice...

