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Huntingtree Primary School

Every child known, happy and learning.

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All pupils, including those with SEN, complete formative assessments three times a year. For children with a SEN that impacts their ability to learn in maths, reading and/or writing, alternative SEN assessments are completed. 


  • Reading - For children with a SEN that impacts their reading ability, the Salford Reading Test is completed. This provides the child with a reading age and a comprehension age
  • Maths - For children with a SEN that impacts their maths ability, the Sandwell Early Numeracy Test is completed. This provides the child with a maths age
  • Writing - For children with a SEN that impacts their writing ability, a specialised writing task is completed and then comparatively judged by all teachers. This provides the child with a writing age


The rationale for the use of ages as assessment data is to allow us to closely track the progress children with a SEN are making (for example, in 6 months of passing Child X made 7 months progress with their reading age). This also allows us to identify children not making expected progress despite the additional support being provided and therefore take appropriate next steps, such as consulting with outside agencies or considering an application for an assessment for an Education and Health Care Plan.


Individual Education Plans:


All children with a SEN have an Individual Education Plan. These plans are written and reviewed on a half-termly basis, with both new plans and previous reviewed plans shared with parents electronically. Each plan will contain a number of targets which the child will be focusing on. These targets can be academically based (Writing, Reading, Phonics or Maths) or broader targets such as Communication, Resilience or Regulation. The targets are written so that they are achievable within the half-term.  


At the end of each half-term, teachers make a judgement whether the target has been achieved, partially achieved or not achieved. This information is collated to allow the school to further identify children not making expected progress and take the actions outlined above.


An example Individual Education Plan:



SEN Assessment Data for 2022-2023:


  • From February to July, children with a SEN linked to their reading made on average 5 months progress with their reading age 
  • From February to July, children with a SEN linked to their reading made on average 5 months progress with their comprehension age
  • From February to July, children with a SEN linked to their maths made on average 8 months progress with their maths age

