Accessibility of the curriculum
We take seriously our duties in the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 about making the curriculum accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs.
It is the general aim, in all subjects, that all children acquire the skills and content appropriate to the unit and year group they are in.
When a child has particular difficulties, then provision is made to help that child access or prioritise the content of the unit/lesson - or to help the child develop their skills from the point they are at. In situations where this is not appropriate, children with an SEND access our Alternative Writing Provision (Appendix 8) and/or Alternative Maths Provision (Appendix 9). These alternative provisions provide prioritised objectives, structured into stages to allow regular assessment points and the ability to track children’s progress. This allows children to develop their maths or writing skills from the point they are at.
Children with a SEND that impacts their reading or phonics skills receive additional reading intervention through ‘Rapid Reading’ and phonics interventions using the Read, Write, Ink format. Children accessing the alternative provision also receive alternative home learning pitched to their current level of knowledge. Our learning environment is adapted as appropriate, utilising recommended aids such as visual timetables, individual workstations and nurture space.
No pupil is ever excluded from taking part in an activity because of their SEN or disability.
All of our enrichment clubs, sports clubs and school visits are available to all our pupils, including our before and after-school clubs. All pupils are encouraged to go on our residential trips and all pupils are encouraged to take part in Sports’ Day.
For further information, please consult our school’s Accessibility Plan which contains information on the following:
- Improving the physical environment to enable disabled pupils to take better advantage of the education, benefits, facilities and services we provide
- Improving the availability of accessible information to disabled pupils