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Huntingtree Primary School

Every child known, happy and learning.

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Children with a SEN are provided with additional transition opportunities at Huntingtree, alongside the transition days provided to all pupils. The purpose of these additional transition opportunities is to increase the chances of a smooth transition to their new year group and/or phase.


The opportunities include the following:

  • A ‘walk and talk’ around the playground with their new teacher
  • A meeting with the school’s Pastoral Lead to discuss next year
  • An extra visit to their new classroom and the chance to learn about their new workspace
  • The chance to write a letter to a child in my new year group and receive a reply
  • A meeting between the child’s parents and their new teacher
  • A social story about their new classroom and the adults who will be supporting
  • Thoughts and feelings work with a member of our Nurture team
  • The opportunity to visit their new teacher and show off some of their best work


Transition opportunities are adapted as appropriate for children transitioning from Reception to Year 1 with these plans beginning early in the Summer term to facilitate a smooth start to Year 1. 


We liaise with secondary schools closely to ensure a comprehensive hand over of relevant information about a child with SEND, and to arrange additional transition opportunities where possible.

